*This is a chapter from Tokenomics for Builders: The Practitioner’s Guide to Token Design.

This document and all resources, threads, models, and materials linked to within are for informational purposes only. None of this document’s contents, nor the contents linked to within, should be construed as legal advice, financial advice, technical advice, investment advice, accounting advice, or representations in any way regarding legal, technical, financial, investment, or accounting matters by the author. The author is not a lawyer or financial advisor in any jurisdiction, and highly encourages readers to engage with registered professionals to ensure compliance with any and all relevant laws and regulations.*


Why is modeling useful?

The most common answer you’ll hear is: “Modeling is useful for predicting token price.”

Wrong. Wrong on two fronts.


First, modeling goes well beyond prices. The design choices you make as a builder can, and should, be tested ahead of time in simulations and scenario analysis modeling.

Modeling can be used to make informed decisions about emission rates, system architecture, parameter settings, risk controls, balanced incentives, and much, much more: